Revelation Topics and Symbolisims |
1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days (ref)
1,260 days, 42 months, and 3½ years
144,000 and 24 Elders
A mighty angel coming down from heaven
A name no one knows
An angels right foot on the sea and left foot on land
Abrahamic House, G20, Interfaith, Chislam, the Pope, world religion, and the Woke movement
Antichrist and antichrists
Antiochus 1V Epiphanes
Armageddon and Har-Megiddon
Babylon, Media Persia, Greece, and Rome
Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes
Beast rising out of the sea and the earth
Beast that was wounded and yet lived
Beast who was and is not and is to come
Beast will eat the prostitutes flesh and burn her with fire (Rev. 17)
Beast with two horns like a lamb
Behold I am coming soon (Revelation 22)
Birds gather for the great supper
Book of the Lamb, the book of life, heavenly books, and a book of remembrance
Blood flowed as high as a horses bridle 1600 stadia
Blood flowed from the winepress for 1,600 stadia
Come out of the great city Babylon
Come up to heaven
Constantine, Rome, and Christianity
Cup of wine of God’s fury and wrath
Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and John’s visions
Daniels seven kingdoms in Daniel chapter two and seven
Delivered from God’s wrath
Door opened in heaven
Dragon, seven heads and ten horns
Dragon and its identity
Dragon and the ten horned beast
Drunk with the blood of the saints
Eighth beast
Endurance and patience of the saints
Euphrates River and Babylon
False prophet
First resurrection and great white throne judgment
Four classes of people in the book of Revelation
Four living creatures
Frogs and three unclean spirits like frogs
Gaza conflict and the three stages of Armageddon
Glass clear as crystal like a sea
God’s great armies and nuclear weapons
Gog and Magog
Great city called Sodom and Egypt (Rev. 11)
Great city that has dominion over kings of the earth
Great supper of God
Great white throne judgment
Great white throne judgment and the lake of fire
Great white throne judgement of God
Head mortally wounded and healed
Heavens dropped
Heavens will pass away, and works exposed
His name will be on their foreheads
Horses (a white, red, black and pale horse)
Humanism and the final beast empire
I am coming like a thief
I am coming soon (quickly in KJV)
I sit as a queen, and mourning I shall never see
I will write my laws upon their minds and hearts
I will write on him the name of my God
Image of the beast, technology, and papal Rome
It is done and the seventh angel
Jerusalem and a bride adorned for her husband
Jerusalem the new holy city, and its symbolism
Jesus feet are like burnished bronze
John is told to write all he sees in a book
John marvelled when he saw the prostitute woman
Leaves for healing of the nations
Lion of the tribe of Judah and symbolism of the lion
Little horn (the)
Man of lawlessness
Marcus Aurelius and the final world ruler
Mark of the Beast
Marriage of the Lamb, and when it takes place
Martyrs in white robes seen under the altar
Megiddo and Armageddon
New heaven and new earth
New Jerusalem and the size of the holy city
One hour with the beast
Outer darkness
Overview of each chapter in the book of Revelation
Papal Rome and the great prostitute women
Philadelphia church had little power
Principal of God’s judgment
Prostitute woman clothed in scarlet
Rainbow around God’s Throne
Revelation 12 (a brief overview)
Seven heads and seven mountains upon which a woman is seated
Seven heads, ten horns, and their history
Seven kings, five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet vome
Seven stars and seven golden lampstands
Seventh trumpet and the mystery of God fulfilled
Street of pure gold
Sweet as honey in Johns mouth, but bitter in his stomach
Ten horns and seven heads
Ten toes and the book of Daniel
Times, Times and Half a Time, 42 Months, and 1260 Days
Twelve names on twelve gates of the holy city
Twelve precious jewels and the Holy City
Vials seven golden bowls (vials in KJV)
Woman sitting on a beast with seven heads
Worshipping the beast
1,260 days, 42 months, and 3½ years
144,000 and 24 Elders
A mighty angel coming down from heaven
A name no one knows
An angels right foot on the sea and left foot on land
Abrahamic House, G20, Interfaith, Chislam, the Pope, world religion, and the Woke movement
Antichrist and antichrists
Antiochus 1V Epiphanes
Armageddon and Har-Megiddon
Babylon, Media Persia, Greece, and Rome
Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes
Beast rising out of the sea and the earth
Beast that was wounded and yet lived
Beast who was and is not and is to come
Beast will eat the prostitutes flesh and burn her with fire (Rev. 17)
Beast with two horns like a lamb
Behold I am coming soon (Revelation 22)
Birds gather for the great supper
Book of the Lamb, the book of life, heavenly books, and a book of remembrance
Blood flowed as high as a horses bridle 1600 stadia
Blood flowed from the winepress for 1,600 stadia
Come out of the great city Babylon
Come up to heaven
Constantine, Rome, and Christianity
Cup of wine of God’s fury and wrath
Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and John’s visions
Daniels seven kingdoms in Daniel chapter two and seven
Delivered from God’s wrath
Door opened in heaven
Dragon, seven heads and ten horns
Dragon and its identity
Dragon and the ten horned beast
Drunk with the blood of the saints
Eighth beast
Endurance and patience of the saints
Euphrates River and Babylon
False prophet
First resurrection and great white throne judgment
Four classes of people in the book of Revelation
Four living creatures
Frogs and three unclean spirits like frogs
Gaza conflict and the three stages of Armageddon
Glass clear as crystal like a sea
God’s great armies and nuclear weapons
Gog and Magog
Great city called Sodom and Egypt (Rev. 11)
Great city that has dominion over kings of the earth
Great supper of God
Great white throne judgment
Great white throne judgment and the lake of fire
Great white throne judgement of God
Head mortally wounded and healed
Heavens dropped
Heavens will pass away, and works exposed
His name will be on their foreheads
Horses (a white, red, black and pale horse)
Humanism and the final beast empire
I am coming like a thief
I am coming soon (quickly in KJV)
I sit as a queen, and mourning I shall never see
I will write my laws upon their minds and hearts
I will write on him the name of my God
Image of the beast, technology, and papal Rome
It is done and the seventh angel
Jerusalem and a bride adorned for her husband
Jerusalem the new holy city, and its symbolism
Jesus feet are like burnished bronze
John is told to write all he sees in a book
John marvelled when he saw the prostitute woman
Leaves for healing of the nations
Lion of the tribe of Judah and symbolism of the lion
Little horn (the)
Man of lawlessness
Marcus Aurelius and the final world ruler
Mark of the Beast
Marriage of the Lamb, and when it takes place
Martyrs in white robes seen under the altar
Megiddo and Armageddon
New heaven and new earth
New Jerusalem and the size of the holy city
One hour with the beast
Outer darkness
Overview of each chapter in the book of Revelation
Papal Rome and the great prostitute women
Philadelphia church had little power
Principal of God’s judgment
Prostitute woman clothed in scarlet
Rainbow around God’s Throne
Revelation 12 (a brief overview)
Seven heads and seven mountains upon which a woman is seated
Seven heads, ten horns, and their history
Seven kings, five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet vome
Seven stars and seven golden lampstands
Seventh trumpet and the mystery of God fulfilled
Street of pure gold
Sweet as honey in Johns mouth, but bitter in his stomach
Ten horns and seven heads
Ten toes and the book of Daniel
Times, Times and Half a Time, 42 Months, and 1260 Days
Twelve names on twelve gates of the holy city
Twelve precious jewels and the Holy City
Vials seven golden bowls (vials in KJV)
Woman sitting on a beast with seven heads
Worshipping the beast