Alphabetical Directory (P) |
Parables and why Jesus spoke in Parables
Paradise, Jesus words, "This Day you will be with me in Paradise"
Passover in the Old and New Testament
Paul uses the Old Testament to Prove Jesus
Perfection and True Spirituality
Personification in the Old and New Testament
Pit in the Old and New Testament
Potter and the Clay
Predestination (1 Thess. 1) (2 Tim. 1) (1 Pet. 1)
Predestination (2 Thess. 2) (John 15)
Predestination in Ephesians chapter One
Predestination in Romans chapter 8, 9, 11
Predestination (Why did Kings stand against the Lord
Presumptuous Sin
Promise of God concerning Gentiles and God’s riches
Promise to Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob
Promise of God to Abraham
Promise of God to Abraham Isaac, Hagar and Ishmael
Promise of God to David
Promise of God to Isaac and Jacob
Psychology and the Presence of Christ
Putting New Wine into Old Wineskins
Paradise, Jesus words, "This Day you will be with me in Paradise"
Passover in the Old and New Testament
Paul uses the Old Testament to Prove Jesus
Perfection and True Spirituality
Personification in the Old and New Testament
Pit in the Old and New Testament
Potter and the Clay
Predestination (1 Thess. 1) (2 Tim. 1) (1 Pet. 1)
Predestination (2 Thess. 2) (John 15)
Predestination in Ephesians chapter One
Predestination in Romans chapter 8, 9, 11
Predestination (Why did Kings stand against the Lord
Presumptuous Sin
Promise of God concerning Gentiles and God’s riches
Promise to Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob
Promise of God to Abraham
Promise of God to Abraham Isaac, Hagar and Ishmael
Promise of God to David
Promise of God to Isaac and Jacob
Psychology and the Presence of Christ
Putting New Wine into Old Wineskins